Mira! Mexican Influence on American Pop Culture
College Capstone Project
From streetwear to Taco Tuesdays, to the colors in southwest towns, you can see the influence of Mexican culture. Unfortunately, this culture isn’t always seen. With the explosion of mass communication and spread of information, particularly through social media, the context of influences is often lost. The U.S. is a melting pot of so many great, diverse peoples. In this age of increasing awareness of diversity, it is important to recognize the influences cultures bring and to celebrate them. This celebration will hopefully lead to a greater respect amongst people and their cultures. This is why I chose to focus on this for my college capstone. I wanted to celebrate and find a new respect for my culture.
As part of the project, we needed to create deliverables that would show how the brand we have researched and developed could be applied to different outcomes. I chose to apply my project mainly to a social media campaign and a supporting website.